EPA Select 1200 90s

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  • EPA-Select-90s

EPA Select 1200 90s

$30.00 $21.00

Contains 1200 mg fish oils, purified and high-potency. Aids heart and joint health.*
List Price: $30.00
Member Price: $21.00

Product Description

EPA Select 1200 contains the highest potency of fish oils on the market. Most fish oils contain only 1000mg. Fish oil has been found to help maintain normal cholesterol already within normal ranges.* All strengths are cholesterol-free! No vitamin A or D is added.

Each capsule contains:
A natural source of refined and concentrated fish body oils, rich in the important omega-3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 650mg.
Other ingredients: EPA Select, gelatin, glycerin and purified water.

Suggested Usage:
Take one to three capsules with meals or as recommended by your physician as a nutritional supplement.

Size(s) Available:
Bottles of 90
Bottles of 180

What is fish oil?
The fish oil contained in EPA Select has high levels of EPA, DHEA, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

What are the benefits of EPA Select?
EPA Select will aid in improving arterial health. It may also improve blood flow to the muscles and heart.

How much EPA Select should I take per day?
A recommended dose is 6-8 capsules a day.

Where is fish oil found?
EPA Select, a high quality fish oil is derived from the body of cold water fish such as salmon. It is concentrated at 50%, one of the highest concentrations available on the market today.

Why is EPA Select superior to other fish oil products?
EPA Select is a pharmaceutical-grade fish oil, highly purified and also cholesterol free. Less EPA Select is required due to its high concentration.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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