Melatol (3mg Sublingual) 60s

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  • Melatonin 3 mg

Melatol (3mg Sublingual) 60s


A fast-release melatonin that supports restful sleep. A must for jet lag!*
List Price: $10.00
Member Price: $6.00

Product Description

Vitamin B6 has been combined with Melatonin to aid in metabolism and release of its active component. Fast action Melatol (Melatonin) has been formulated to release the active ingredients quickly . Combined with exercise and low diets, Melatol (Melatonin) will aid inducing relaxation*. Free of yeast, wheat, corn, egg, soy, gluten, sugar, starch, artificial colors, and artificial preservatives.

Each tablet contains:
Vitamin B6..10mg

Suggested Usage:
As a dietary supplement, dissolve one tablet under the tongue one hour before bedtime. Do not exceed one tablet per day.

Size(s) Available:
Bottles of 60

What are the forms of melatonin?
Melatonin has the maximum dose of 3 mg per tablet in two convenient forms:

What are the uses for MELATOL?
Melatonin has been used for many problems including sleep disturbances.* Sustained Release tablets are useful due to the short half-life of melatonin (2 hours). Blood levels of melatonin are extended for 8-12 hours, which helps the cellular repair* for extended periods of time. It also reduces the amount of tablets needed for good results.

This form is useful for sleep support*. Due to its fast release in the bloodstream, it can work in a 30 minute time period allowing a person to take the product at bedtime reducing drowsiness during the early evening hours.

What type of melatonin is used?
The melatonin used in MELATOL is the highest quality available today, 99.9% pure and the melatonin is processed for maximum activity. .


Description:Aging is the decline in the efficiency of bodily functions. It is not considered to be an illness. The natural process of growing old is related to our biological clocks running down, and long term wearing out or abuse of the body. There are also complex interactions of genetic, metabolic, hormonal, immunological and structural changes at the organ, tissue and cellular levels.

Though a person�s age may be counted in years, it is also counted in the physical complications of various body systems wearing out and producing physical complications. A person may remain in what is considered perfect physical health, but due to the built in biological clock, will not survive past the maximum limit of the body�s biological clock-probably a maximum of 120 years with everything working correctly, and as possible being done to shorten this life expectancy.

At the present time there are over 35,000 Americans over the age of 100 with this number increasing all the time. Life expectancy has more than doubled in the last 200 years due to our understanding of sanitation, antibiotics, immunology, microbiology, and other breakthroughs in modern science. However, the quality of life of many over 65 is so poor that their last years are often lived with very little enjoyment. To extend our life expectancy and quality of life, it is necessary to do five things:

1) Eat a high complex carbohydrate, high fiber, low protein diet, low in fat, sugar, salt and processed foods.
2) Get adequate exercise.
3) Avoid as many toxins as possible.
4) Make sure your intake of all nutrients, especially the anti-radicals: vitamins A, C, E, and selenium, are at or above the R.D.A.
5) Learn what stress is and how to keep it low enough to keep from harming your health.

Causes: Aging is a natural process, which everyone experiences. Predisposing conditions, which may determine the course of one�s aging process, are:

1) Built-in genetic program that limits the replicative life span of various normal body cells.
2) Postreplicative senescence: occurrence of alternations in cells is no longer capable of mitotic replication and therefore are no longer able to compensate for deficiencies in cell numbers, structure, or function.
3) Declining autoimmune system.

Signs & Symptoms:

1) Incontinence
2) Accidental falls
3)General loss of balance
4)Deteriorating vision such as presbyopia, cataracts, and glaucoma
5)Deteriorating hearing
6)Deteriorating sense of taste
7)Deteriorating sense of smell
8)Decreased temperature sensitivity

Dietary Considerations: A Dietary Goal Diet is an essential part of slowing the aging process as much as possible.

Nutritional Supplements:
Multi-Vitamins + Minerals
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:1 to 2 at beginning of each meal. This product should contain at least 15 I.U. of vitamin E per capsule.
Vitamin A:15,000 to 30,000 I.U.
Beta Carotene:50,000 I.U.
Vitamin B-2:10 to 25mg. If you are getting in this in your multi-vitamin or in a B complex, you do not need to take extra B-2 by itself.
Vitamin C:1,000 to 3,000 mg. or as much as the bowel can tolerate within this range.
Bioflavonoids:2,000 to 6,000 mg.
Vitamin E:400 to 800 I.U.
Selenium:100 to 300 mcg.
Methione:500 to 1,000 mg.
Germanium Sesquioxide:25 to 150 mg.

All the above quantities are per day unless specified as per meal.

NOTE: The above is not listed as a formula that will stop you from aging, but only as a help in case nutritional deficiencies in these areas are increasing your rate of aging.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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